Prevention of Lifestyle Diseases

Over 1 million Americans die each year due to preventable lifestyle diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, and avoidable cancers. How can I prevent these things from happening to me, you may ask? It could be as simple as parking farther away from the grocery store or taking some bad choices out of your diet.

– Type 2 Diabetes Prevention: To start diabetes is caused by something called insulin resistance, where the body does not react to insulin as it should and blood sugar levels cannot be controlled. Some simple ways to prevent type 2 diabetes are to exercise regularly, cut out processed food and have a more balanced diet, and limit alcohol intake. Taking these steps can help you manage your weight which will lower your risk for type 2 diabetes.

– Heart Disease Prevention: Heart disease is caused by an unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, being overweight, and smoking. To help cut down your risk of heart disease stay away from foods high in fat and cholesterol, exercise regularly, and quit smoking. Foods to stay away from include fast food, fried food, and buttery or fatty foods.

– Avoidable Cancers: Lung cancer is the most common avoidable cancer and causes the most cancer related deaths worldwide. Lung cancer is caused by smoking, even passive smoking can cause lung cancer. Exposure to asbestos is another cause of lung cancer as well as many other types. Non melanoma skin cancer is another common cancer that can be avoided simply by putting on sunscreen and protecting yourself from UV light. Also make sure to limit your time spent in tanning beds.

As proven above many lifestyle diseases can be prevented by a simple change in diet, exercise, or everyday habits. Just by taking smoking or fast food out of your life can dramatically lower your risk for these diseases.

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